It’s official, following a soak test in Brazil recently, the first two smartphones in the world to officially receive the Android 7.0 Nougat update (after Nexuses) are the Moto G4 and Moto G4 Plus. Lenovo posted the release notes for the update on its Indian customer service portal.
We’ll keep our eyes peeled for similar announcements on Lenovo’s other regional portals, but now that the update gates have opened it shouldn’t be long before it reaches other markets.
As you will know if you’ve read our Android 7.0 Nougat review, there are a whole host of improvements coming to the Moto G4 and G4 Plus. The major features include Doze Mode on the go, split-screen mode, quick app switching (my personal favorite), Direct Reply and bundled notifications, new emoji and quick settings toggles at the top of the notifications shade.
For further details on what’s coming to the Moto G4 and G4 Pro, check out the Lenovo release notes page here.
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