• Breaking News

    الاثنين، 10 أكتوبر 2016

    Report: Kirt McMaster is no longer the CEO of Cyanogen

    Kirt McMaster, the outspoken Cyanogen chief executive who said last year that his company was “putting a bullet through Google’s head,” appears to have left his role as CEO of the company.

    McMaster’s LinkedIn profile shows he has dropped his CEO title at Cyanogen Inc. and changed it to Executive Chairman. However, Cyanogen has not yet updated its website to reflect the supposed change in organizational structure. Android Police first reported on the move. The company has yet to release an official statement to shed light on McMaster’s rather low-profile move.

    There’s no clear description of what McMaster’s new role entails, but an executive chairman is typically responsible for setting a company’s agenda and overseeing investor relations, among other responsibilities. That is likely to mean that McMaster will no longer have a hand in Cyanogen’s product strategy and daily operations going forward. At this moment, it’s not also clear who would take over the role of CEO.

    Cyanogen was founded in September 2013 by Steve Kondik (creator of the open-source CyanogenMod custom ROM) and Kirt McMaster. The company sought to speed up the development of its OS platform for smartphones, called Cyanogen OS, after receiving $80 million in funding from bigwig investors like Twitter Ventures, Qualcomm, and Telefónica Ventures in March 2015.

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